Church News Ireland – December 30

Image of the day – Christmas crib et al

+People and Places
Parishioner climbs Mount Kilimanjaro and aids Cancer Focus NI
Parish seasonal fundraising for Southern Area Hospice
Presentation to Diocesan Lay Reader

+News reports
Archbishop of Canterbury’s New Year Message on BBC One
Archbishop of York warns against cycle of revenge

+In the media
Sole Kingsmill survivor urges Troubles victims to share stories – Belfast Telegraph
Strong Christian faith is my ‘anchor’ in politics, Donaldson tells GB News’ Foster – Belfast Telegraph

+Webinars, music, resources, broadcasts, and books
Aled Jones performs ‘Brand New Day’
Coleraine Grammar School Carol Service 2023
Children’s ministry resource for twixtmas

Baby’s invitation to peace on earth

+Poem for today
The Oxen by Thomas Hardy

Click here – AA CNI DECEMBER 30
