
Growing number of over-60s seeking divorce

A growing number of British couples are divorcing in their 60s, official figures show.

While divorce rates have steadily fallen among all other age groups, Britain is witnessing a rising number of so-called “silver separations”.

According to the most recent figures, more than 11,500 over-60s were granted a divorce in a year – a rise of 4 per cent in two years.

By comparison, total divorce rates fell by more than 11 per cent in the same period from 2007 to 2009, the Office for National Statistics said.

Experts claim that many older couples are drifting apart out of disillusionment in their marriages once their children have flown the nest.

“This is more proof that life is really changing for the over-60s and for many it’s the start of the next phase of their lives, not the end of their life as people in the past were often led to expect,” said Ros Altmann, director general of the over-50s group Saga.

“We are really witnessing a major social revolution, with older generations no longer behaving in the traditional manner.

“The baby boomers are redefining life at older ages. That includes re-evaluating their relationships and deciding to start again.

“They realise there is still time for new horizons and new perspectives.

She said it can be distressing for children to witness their parents separating in their later years, with family members picking sides.

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