Speaking to the Soul – September 26


I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11–13

Advertising is a major influence in the modern world. Its deliberate intention is to stir up discontent. We are continually urged to buy newer, trendier, brighter, faster and more efficient products. Being consistently pounded with these messages it can be difficult to live contentedly with what we already have but that must surely be the most desirable life of all. To live with contentment is to live a life without strain and stress. Epicurus, the Greek philosopher, said, “He who doesn’t find a little enough, will find nothing enough.” There is wisdom in this quotation, but Paul wouldn’t have agreed with it. His contentment didn’t flow from a particular philosophical understanding of life but from his relationship with Christ. Because he was completely secure in his faith it didn’t matter what his personal circumstances were.

Because of the continual pressures of society and of the changing circumstances of our own lives, it is a daily challenge to live with contentment. However, it can be done just so long as we keep our lives focused on Jesus. I have met many people over the years who have been wonderful illustrations of this. For one reason or another their lives have suddenly changed. Sometimes it is because of a change in their relationships or their finances but I have been particularly moved by those who have suddenly seen their health taken away from them. This is probably the biggest shock of all. How is it possible to continue to be content after the sudden loss of mobility or of eyesight? Miraculously, it is possible but only when we have learned to focus on Jesus rather than our circumstances.

Are you content with your present life and, if not, what do you think you could do to become contented?

Thank you Lord for the blessing of knowing you. Help me to live so closely to you that I will always be content. Amen
