
New Irish Youth Choir

In 2012 New Irish Arts are launching an exciting new Youth Choir for singers aged 11-16.
Jonathan Rea, CEO New Irish Arts, comments:

We’re putting on workshops on January 28th and March 3rd in different venues in Ireland to get things up and running.

Have a think about the young people you know at church, in your neighbourhood, family or wherever and ask yourself who might benefit from being involved in our youth choir – learning about worship and music in lots of inspiring and fun ways.

Would you please pass on this information to anyone who might be able to put it into the right hands? Youth leaders, teachers etc. You know who the right people are.

All the info is below – and you can register online. Who knows what impact you could have on a teenager’s life by encouraging them to come on something as useful as this? Go on, do it!

God bless,
Jonathan Rea
CEO, New Irish Arts