Living link with Limerick’s African project

The Ven. Bhekindlela Magongo, Archdeacon of Swaziland visits Limerick diocese this weekend.
Limerick diocese has undertaken the challenge of raising €40,000 in on behalf of USPG Ireland in support of the Luyengo Farm project. The diocese is now getting a chance to hear more about the project and about Swaziland when The Archdeacon of Swaziland visits Limerick this weekend.

Fr. Magongo will be in the diocese on Sunday 22nd of January and Monday 23rd January. On Sunday 22nd he will be preaching at services in the Rathkeale and Kilnaughtin group of parishes. The service times are as follows:
Castletown Church, Kilcornan: 09:45 a.m.
Holy Trinity Rathkeale 11:15 a.m.

Folk will, of course, be more than welcome to take the opportunity to come along and join in either (or both) of those services.

On Monday 23rd January Archdeacon Magongo will meet with anyone and everyone who wishes to come along at a meeting sponsored by the Board of Mission at:
The Woodlands Hotel, Adare  starting at 7:30 p.m.