
The Having Faith in Relationships event

A series of evenings will take place in Belfast in February aimed at helping parents and youth leaders communicate with young people about relationships, friendships and decision making.

The four events, at different venues in Belfast, are organised by Christian organisations, including the four larger denominations, and the Belfast Health Trust. Dates and details are below.

Young people today can avail of fast moving technologies and social media sites that are full of information about choices, decisions and desires about relationships, friendships and life choices. Often this can leave a young person confused and vulnerable about the best direction to take.

Among all the pressures and influences, parents and youth leaders have a unique role in helping young people navigate their way through life, choices and decisions.

Living in an increasingly ‘virtual’ world these evenings will help you rediscover the art of good communication between you and your child or young person.

The evenings will endeavour to help parents and youth leaders:

• Understand the world of young people 
• Explore ways of communication 
• Identify skills in how to listen 
• Have faith in relationships.

This is a unique event and, due to funding, is an opportunity that may not come round again for a few years.

Please choose from ONE of these nights.
01 FEB Belmont Tower | Belmont Road | Belfast 
02 FEB 174 Trust | Antrim Road | Belfast 
06 FEB Millennium Community Outreach Centre | Springfield Road | Belfast 
07 FEB Edgehill Theological College | Lennoxvale | Belfast

Each event runs from 7:30–9:30PM and refreshments will be provided. To book your place, please contact: info@unique-ni.org or Andrew@downanddromore.org. For more info see http://www.unique-ni.org.