
Choirmaster in ‘rock music’ row wins £76,000

A choirmaster has won £76,000 for unfair dismissal after he was sacked in a row with clerics amid fears they wanted “rock music” in church.

The Evening Standard reported: Tony Baldwin, 54, has conducted at St Paul’s and Westminster Abbey and performed for the Queen and the Archbishop of Canterbury. He had worked at The American Church in London, in Tottenham Court Road, for 27 years.

But last May he was sacked from his post as director of music for failing to “create a vision” for the choir.

Mr Baldwin, of Blackheath, has had 75 choral and organ compositions published and twice won the Royal School of Church Music’s competition for composers. But last year he was put on 90 days’ probation, and when worshippers wrote in his support, was accused of “political manoeuvring”.

He was then sacked. In his dismissal letter he was told he had failed to help create a “vision for the choir’s ministry” and gave “the impression of going through the motions”. Mr Baldwin took his case to Central London employment tribunal. “I was under the impression the church was likely to dismiss me no matter what I did,” he said. He told the hearing he been given no indication of what the “vision”‘ should be: “I wrote to the pastor suggesting that we discuss what he wanted. [He] did not reply.”

Choir member Nancy Rousset told the tribunal she feared church leaders wanted to make services similar to those at Anglican church Holy Trinity Brompton, with “rock music, drums maybe, definitely more contemporary, perhaps with screens with words. It’s a completely different atmosphere”.