360 Miscellany – Aug 18

News and views

Charles Wood Digital Festival

In just one week you can join Chairman Richard Yarr and Artistic Director David Hill as they officially open the Digital Festival at 3pm on Sunday 23rd! Then at 7pm, don’t miss the Digital Festival Choir as they perform Charles Wood’s ‘Hail Gladdening Light’ in the first of our online events. “Throughout the week we’ll be bringing you concerts, services of worship and tutorials from Armagh City and further afield every day at 11am, 3pm and 7pm.”

Organist, conductor and BBC presenter Anna Lapwood will be introducing the Charles Wood Festival’s Digital Festival Gala Concert. Tune in at 7pm on 28th August to enjoy the full concert.

All of the details can be found here on the festival website –
[ charleswoodsummerschool.org/2020festival ]

Re-opening of Saint Columb’s School of Music

Saint Columb’s School of Music in Londonderry will be re-opening on Monday 24th August. All precautionary measures in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic will be in place to ensure the safety of all students and tutors.

Co-director Louis Fields said – “There has been a marvellous response by parents and pupils to our plans to re-commence tuition, and we thank all who have supported and encouraged us over the last few months. We have a few remaining places in the School, and if you, or anyone you know, would like further information about applying, please contact us as soon as possible. We currently offer tuition on piano, singing, guitar, harp, flute, clarinet, saxophone, violin and music theory. Contact details can be found at the end of this post.

“We look forward to many exciting projects in the year ahead – so keep an eye out for future announcements! Thanks for all your support of Saint Columb’s School of Music”.

Tel no: 07366602407
Email: [ music@stcolumbsschoolofmusic.com ]

Tribute – Wilfred Breen, letter writer and ‘known throughout Ireland’

Tributes have been paid to prolific letter writer and former chairman of Omagh District Council Wilfred Breen, who has died at age 91.

Mr Breen, who lived in Omagh, died at the South West Acute Hospital, with his funeral service being held at his home church Clanabogan Parish Church on Sunday. He is survived by his wife Ruby.

Speaking at his funeral service, Canon Robert Clarke paid tribute to Mr Breen, a former UUP councillor who served as chairman of Omagh District Council.

“In all my 30-plus years as rector here, the number of times Wilfred was absent from worship could be counted on two hands,” he said.

He said that Mr Breen graduated from Trinity College Dublin and became a teacher of history, religious education and music, latterly at Duke of Westminster School in Kesh.

“He was gifted with a very sharp retentive brain and his capacity of recall and recollection was second to none.”

Mr Breen was a member of the loyal orders, having served as district chaplain. He also founded Blacksessiagh Junior Orange Lodge and Blacksessiagh Accordion Band.

He was known personally to BBC Talkback presenters David Dunseith and Wendy Austin, and a prolific writer to newspaper letters pages, in particular the News Letter, on politics and religion, “so much so that his name was well known throughout the 32 counties of this island”.

He was the church organist for over 50 years, Sunday school superintendent, served on the select vestry and was also one of the first diocesan lay readers, he added. Thanks to Philip Bradfield, News Letter

Well said

Back on song

Six members of the Choir of Westminster Abbey were allowed to return at a social distance to sing at the Eucharist service on Sunday past for the first time since the coronavirus lockdown. The four-month hiatus is the longest that the choir has been silent since the Second World War.

Pointers to prayer

Lord, you tell us to focus on all that is good, lovely and praiseworthy. Help us to do this today so our spirits are lifted, rather than filling our minds with negative thoughts and becoming despondent.

Gracious Father,
revive your Church in our day,
and make her holy, strong and faithful,
for your glory’s sake
in Jesus Christ our Lord.

God in creation

Photo by Mothers Union
