360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

Clogher rector raising awareness about Nigeria

A Church of Ireland rector has taken to the streets in a bid to raise awareness of the ongoing situation in Nigeria.

Rev Sampson Ajuka (photo above) of Devenish and Boho parish was outside Enniskillen Townhall last Thursday peacefully demonstrating with a placard which called on local people to appeal to the UK government to help end the trouble in Nigeria.

Explaining the current situation there Rev Ajuka said that it stemmed from issues with governance with people who are unlike being placed together.

Rev Ajuka said, “Nigeria has been in a very big problem”.

He continued by outlining, “Across the globe you see Nigerian people moving here and there because of bad governance, not because we don’t have anything in Nigeria.

“It makes life miserable for people and people are wandering across the globe looking for greener pasture.”

New titles in Young Explorers faith series

Hodder Faith are launching six new titles aimed at children and teenagers, including a new book from Bear Grylls, adapted from his bestselling book for adults “Soul Fuel”.

We’ll be taking a moment to spotlight each title over the coming weeks and you can find all the links to purchase over at [ hodderfaithyoungexplorers.co.uk ]

Putting food on the table in Mount Merrion

Each week, a table laden with free food is set up outside Mount Merrion Church, Cregagh. It’s part of the church’s mission to care for their community in a holistic way – body, mind and soul.

“Following on from our weekly packed lunch give–away during the summer and food parcel deliveries, we wanted a way of getting food to those in need without some of the stigma of having to ask,” explains the rector, Revd Adrian Green.

“As a church we signed up to the Fareshare scheme and since August have been getting regular weekly supplies from local businesses. These are put on a table outside the church so that those in need can help themselves to the bread, pastries, fruit and vegetables, or they can be taken and passed on to someone they know.

“It has been amazing to see how this has developed, with people now dropping off foodstuffs at the table for others to take, and we have had someone offer to build us a shelter for the table so that we can still leave the foodstuffs outside and yet be protected from the elements over the winter. There has also been much social media engagement, with one person posting, ‘such kindness in these uncertain times.’”

FareShare is the UK’s longest running food redistribution charity, born out of the belief that no good food should go to waste, especially when people are going hungry. Sadly, hunger is a reality for some and is set to be a growing issue for our society.

Adrian says, “Signing up with FareShare was a very simple process and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend a partnership with them if you sense that your parish is called to meet this need in your community.”

Find out more at [ fareshare.org.uk ]

Making the news

The United Parish of Ballynure and Ballyeaston in Ballyclare was featured in the News Letter newspaper at the weekend for the work it has been involved in in the community since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.

As part of a bigger feature on how churches continue to meet not only the spiritual but also the social needs of communities, particularly in rural areas, the article highlights how Ballynure and Ballyeaston, in the words of rector the Rev Jonny Campbell-Smyth, has been ‘trying to show the Gospel in everyday situations.’

Jonny reflects on the formation of Together Ballyclare earlier this year, an initiative which led to food parcels to people who needed them, shopping for people who were shielding, chats with those who might have been lonely, and a picnic scheme for families during the summer break.

Drive-in services and the parish’s collection for families with new babies (Baby Basics) also got a mention.

The Ballyclare report concludes with the rector’s words: “We cannot be a church and ignore the things that are said in Scripture; this was all about hearing the needs of people and responding to that.”

Prayers of remembrance

Lough Derg Memorial Service of Prayer on Sunday 22nd November at 7.00pm. This will be a service for us to remember dear departed pilgrims and supporters of Lough Derg. Please email the names of departed loved ones during this past year to info@loughderg.org

Pointers for Prayer

Today we give thanks for God’s beautiful creation. Recently, Australian scientists have discovered a detached reef taller than the Empire State Building at the northern end of the Great Barrier Reef

Pray for the complex situation which has arisen from demands of the Protestant Churches in Egypt (PCE) upon the Anglican Church in Egypt. A new court case has been raised and Bishop Mouneer asks for our prayers for these difficult issues.- CMSI

Pray for schools as they resume after the autumn break; for safety and protection for children, staff, parents and carers. – Church Army

When rations were halved at refugee camps last November, people started returning to Kajo Keji in South Sudan. Now, due to the C-19 lockdown, Bishop Emmanuel reports that many are “crying out in starvation”. Pray for relief for those who don’t have enough food.

God in creation

Hillsborough Parish Church

