A conference – not a Synod

The House of Bishops has announced the initial arrangements for a conference on human sexuality and Christian belief.
The Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of Ireland will host a conference on the subject of ‘Human Sexuality in the context of Christian Belief’ at the Slieve Russell Hotel, Ballyconnell, Co Cavan on Friday the 9th and Saturday 10th March 2012, beginning at 4.00pm on Friday and concluding at 5.00pm on Saturday. The bishops believe that it will be helpful to the church for members of General Synod to explore and discuss issues of human sexuality in the informal setting of a conference.

The conference will examine the teaching of scripture, the current stance of the Church of Ireland, and contemporary understanding of the nature of human sexuality. These areas will be addressed in a way which will facilitate the conversations between members of General Synod on this important topic. No formal decisions will be taken at this conference as that business belongs properly to a meeting of the General Synod and not to a conference.

The conference proceedings are not open to members of the media or the public; however, there will be a Media Briefing and photo opportunity at the opening of the conference, and at the conclusion of the conference at the Slieve Russell Hotel.

A Pastoral Letter from the Bishops of the Church of Ireland was issued in October 2011, see: www.ireland.anglican.org/submissions/bishops