April in St Patrick’s, Dublin

The highlights of this month in the C of I’s National Cathedral

11 April 7:00pm:  Japan Earthquake & Tsunami Service. This will take the form of a multi-denominational civic event with readings and music.

17 April 11:15am:  Palm Sunday. Sung Eucharist. Celebrant: The Rt Revd T.R. Williams, Bishop of Limerick
& Killaloe.

21 April 5:30pm:  Maundy Thursday. Sung Eucharist & Stripping of the Altar.

22 April 11:15am:  Good Friday Matins. Preacher: The Revd Dr J.R. Bartlett.

22 April 3:15pm: Good Friday: The Proclamation of the Cross. Preacher: The Revd Dr J.R. Bartlett.

22 April  8:00pm: The Carmichael Centre presents Dublin’s Good Friday concert. Tickets on sale from the Cathedral shop and the web-site.

24 April 11:15am: Easter Sunday Festival Eucharist. Preacher: The Dean

24 April 3:15pm: Easter Sunday Festal Evensong