Archbishop to host first ever Christian Youth Work Awards

The Archbishop of York is to play host to the first ever Christian Youth Work Awards tomorrow.

The awards presentation is being held tomorrow Tuesday at the Archbishop’s official residence, Bishopthorpe Palace.

They are being sponsored by the Archbishop of York Youth Trust, which specialises in enabling young people to make a positive difference to their communities.

The four awards to be presented include Youth Worker of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, Most Innovative Piece of Youth Work and Best Youth Work Employer.

Dr Sentamu said he was delighted to be able to host the prestigious event at Bishopthorpe.

“To see Christian youth work going from strength to strength across the country is both inspiring and challenging, particularly in these difficult times,” he said.

“I’m humbled by the example set by those who give their time to Christian youth work on a voluntary basis.

“We need to encourage innovative youth work that puts the needs of young people first.”

Hundreds of youth workers and projects have been nominated from across the country.

The final results will be published in the November issue of Youthwork magazine.

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