Bishops protest at benefits cuts

Eighteen C of E bishops with the support of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York expressed concern in a letter to the Observer prior to the House of Lords debate on Monday regarding proposed cuts in welfare and child benefits.

Their letter said, “The introduction of a cap on benefits, as suggested in the Welfare Reform Bill, could push some of the most vulnerable children in the country into severe poverty. While 70,000 adults are likely to be affected by the cap, the Children’s Society has found that it is going to cut support for an estimated 210,000 children, leaving as many as 80,000 homeless. The Church of England has a commitment and moral obligation to speak up for those who have no voice. As such, we feel compelled to speak for children who might be faced with severe poverty and potentially homelessness, as a result of the choices or circumstances of their parents. Such an impact is profoundly unjust.”

Some commentators stated that the bishops had misunderstood the Coalition government’s proposals. The bishops were backing concerns stated by the Children’s Society and the Children’s Commissioners throughout the UK, that some 3.8million children were living in poverty.
