C of I briefs

Lecture on parish’s ‘holey’ stone!,5th Express Alpha Course in St Ann’s Dublin, Movilla Abbey hits trail for charity, Website launch for Holy Land Pilgrimages  , September at The Good Book Shop

Lecture on parish’s ‘holey ‘stone!

St Matthew’s Parish Church, Woodvale Road, Belfast, is hosting a lecture on the Baullaun stone on September 22.

The lecture, entitled ‘Holey Stones’ and delivered by Dr Cormac McSparron of the Centre for Archaeological Fieldwork at Queen’s University, will mark the centenary of the placing of a Baullaun stone in front of the church.

The stone is a granite boulder with a circular, water–filled hollow. For years, children have splashed the water into each others’ faces, and the stone was also reputed to cure warts.
The stone is, in fact, a Baullaun stone, probably of Celtic or early medieval origin. It was found in the Old Shankill Graveyard, and was moved to its present position in July 1911.
Baullaun stones are found on medieval ecclesiastical sites across Ireland, and sometimes in Scotland. Dr McSparron will look at the form, possible date and function of these enigmatic stones. He will discuss their possible origin in the pounding and processing of metal ores, by craftsmen attracted to the churches and monasteries of early Medieval Ireland as patrons of their output. He will also reflect on the ritual use of these stones in folk medicine.

Dr McSparron’s lecture will be given in St Matthew’s Church on Thursday September 22 at 7.30pm. Admission is free. Refreshments will be served.

For further information please contact the Revd Canon Gregory Dunstan, tel. 028 9071 4325 or email belfast.stmatthew@connor.anglican.org.

5th Express Alpha Course in St Ann’s Dublin

The Rev Michael R Heaney comments:  Two years ago we started the first Express Alpha Course in Ireland at St Ann’s Dawson Street. We have now completed 4 courses. The courses have attracted folk from many walks of life – business folk, students, retired folk and others who have come in as they walk by. The Alpha model depends on a ‘roll over’ where those on one course invite others to join them on the next. Therefore we will begin the 5th Express Alpha Course in St Ann’s on Tuesday September 27 (between 1.00pm and 1.50pm – lunch is included). The Vicar David Gillespie is behind this initiative aimed at this city centre location and people who would prefer the shorter  ‘lunchtime Alpha’ rather than the usual evening.

My wife Rhodanne, I and the Alpha Team hope that parishioners from throughout the city who are in the city at lunchtime, will come on the Express Alpha Course and to bring others with them. (It is so much easier to come with someone else!)

Movilla Abbey hits trail for charity

Last weekend a team from Movilla Abbey Church completed the Oxfam Trailtrekkers 100km trek. Taking part were the two ministers, Revd Kevin Graham and Revd Paul Gallucci, and two members of the joint congregation, Yvonne Lee and Chris Lammey. They were ably supported by Tom Acheson, from Movilla Abbey scouts.

During the course of the trek they endured rain, winds, sunshine and a night out on the hills. Having left Donard car park, Newcastle, at 8am on the Saturday morning, the route took them over the “hills” to Rostrevor, from which they were able to look down and seek inspiration from Holy Cross Monastery! On to Warrenpoint where they crossed Carlingford Lough through a hefty swell, Kevin getting soaked on the way. Arriving at Omeath they then headed through South Armagh, visiting Kilkeen, Meigh, Forkhill and Jonesborough.

Having passed over Slieve Gullion and Slievenabolea, passing by Black Mountain and skirting along the North face of Carlingford Mountain, they all arrived at Carlingford Sailing Club 27 hours and 51 minutes later.

“The craic was mighty at times, the climbs tough, especially during the night but we were extremely well looked after by Tom and by all the Oxfam volunteers,” said the Revd Kevin Graham.

”It was good to know that our many steps will help many people in Africa begin to make small steps away from poverty and hunger,”

If you wish to sponsor the Movilla Abbey team, you can do so by checking out the Oxfam Trailtrekkers Website sponsorship page and enter the team name ‘Movilla Abbey’.
This is just another example of how the two congregations from Movilla Abbey are working together in practical ways to make the lives of others better, both near and far.

Website launch for Holy Land Pilgrimages

For some years the rector of Stormont, Revd David Humphries, has been leading pilgrimages to the Holy Land. There is growing interest in the trips and David has just launched a complementary website.

”We are a group of Christian people, growing annually in number, who have gone on pilgrimage to the land of the Bible, and who want to encourage others to do the same,” he says.

”Through the website you can learn about our pilgrimages, how they are organized, the places we see and the people we meet—and much more.

”You can even contact us through this site if you want to make any comment, or if you wish to consider coming with us on our next spiritual journey.”

Bishop Harold Miller gives the trips a ringing endorsement:

“My pilgrimage to the Holy Land with David Humphries was undoubtedly one of the most wonderful experiences of my life.  David has not only a very deep knowledge of the Holy Land – he has also a passion for the Holy Land.

”Put alongside that his ability to bring to life each place we visited in a truly devotional way, and his balanced approach to the present situation – and you have a pilgrimage that you will never forget!”

There are still places for the 2012 pilgrimage from 8–18 May but booking will close soon.

September at The Good Book Shop
Saturday 17th September– Festival of Hymns in Belfast Cathedral
For those who are going to the Hymn Society’s ‘Festival of Hymns’ in Belfast Cathedral – a reminder that the book shop will be open from 10am–3pm that day. Please allow time to pop in for a coffee and to browse.

Thursday 22nd September– KJV@4:00
4pm–The reading will be by former Ulster and Ireland rugby player Trevor Ringland. This will be followed by the official launch of Bishop Alan Abernethy’s new book– ‘Shadows on the Journey’

Friday 23rd September– KJV@4:00 and Culture Night
4pm– The reading will be by Very Revd John Mann, Dean of Belfast.

7pm–10pm The GBS will be open for business as part of this year’s Culture Night. There will also be live music from ‘August County’ and the musicians from the Crossroads Church, Craigantlet.

Thursday 29th September– KJV@4:00
4pm– The reading will be by Bishop Ken Clarke, followed by the Belfast launch of his new book ‘Going for Growth’.