C of I News

Parishioners in the Pink, Lisburn Parish funds new school in Uganda, Advent Candles and Carols – Dublin, Armagh, Derry, Limerick, Celtic spirituality: The Brendan Voyage and Youth Walking Retreat, CMSI Christmas Celebration

Parishioners in the Pink

The Parish of St Peter and St James (Belfast, Connor) was in the pink recently when it organised a weekend to raise attention and funds for Action Cancer.

On the Friday night more than 100 parishioners and well–wishers gathered for a jazz night in the delightfully pink surroundings of the parish hall. The Martello Jazz Band supplied the music and the Social Committee, with friends and the help of staff from Mugwumps Coffee Shop, produced a feast of pies and peas (mushy or ordinary) and a selection of pink puddings. Strictly Come Dancing had some serious rivals as the jollities spilled onto the dance floor.

On the Sunday, Gareth Kirk from Action Cancer began morning service with some information on breast cancer. All parishioners were encouraged to wear something pink, and the rector, the Rev Adrian Dorrian, sporting a pink scarf, led the worship.

In the afternoon, as the rain reached a crescendo, a brave party stepped out on a prayer walk dedicated to all affected by or working with cancer. Despite the weather this was a fine way to finish a great weekend and all those who took part were rewarded for their efforts with afternoon tea in the hall. A profit of £819.32 was raised for Action Cancer and parish funds.

Lisburn Parish funds new school in Uganda

A team from Christ Church, Lisburn, (Connor) will travel to Uganda in February to witness the completion of a school the parish has helped to build.

The parish’s project – to build a new primary school in Luwero Diocese in Uganda in association with Fields of Life – has engendering much enthusiasm and excitement among the parishioners.

The cost is £65,000, and the parish has been very busy raising funding by a variety of means. As a result of all efforts made, the target figure has been almost reached. The Rev John Pickering, who is part of the team, said: “Grateful thanks are due to everyone who has so generously contributed.”

The school will be completed in early 2012 and the team from Christ Church will be out from February 11–25 to help with the completion of the building and hold a Bible Club with the pupils. They will also be present for the official opening of the school.

A Commissioning Service for the team will be held in Christ Church on Sunday, February 5 at 11.30am and a Thanksgiving Service will be held on Sunday March 4 at 11.30am.

Advent Candles and Carols

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin – Sunday 27th November at 3.15pm. Sung by the combined Cathedral Choirs.

St Patrick’s Cathedral,Armagh – 4 pm

St Columb’s Cathedral, Derry – Sunday 27th November at 7.30pm

Bringing the ever-popular candle-lit service to mark the beginning of the season of Advent. This well established and much loved service of readings, hymns and anthems on the theme of ‘Darkness into Light’ is extremely moving and inspirational.

St Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick – Sunday 27th November – 7pm.

The annual processional service of Advent music and readings – very atmospheric in a darkened medieval cathedral lit by candles.

Celtic Spirituality at Kilcolman

There are two events coming up in Kilcolman Parish (Limeric Diocese) in November.

The Brendan Voyage

Danny Sheehey to will be coming St.Michael’s Killorglin to talk about his experience of sailing along what he believes to be the route of St. Brendan’s voyage as far as Iceland. 25th November 10.30 am, St. Michael’s Killorglin

It will start with Morning Prayer at followed by Danny Sheehey’s talk. There will be lunch across the road at a local pub before returning to St. Michael’s for an open discussion and finishing with coffee at about 3 pm.

Youth Walking Retreat

Rev. Máirt Hanley and Linda woods will be running a walking retreat up Torc mountain for teenagers. It is hoped that this will be a fun challenge (not pushing people too hard). It will be an opportunity for fresh air, space and a bit of spiritual exercise in the great out doors.

This will take place on:
On Sunday November 27th starting at 12:00 noon. Meet at the upper car park at Torc. For more information on either event and to get a consent form for the Torc walk. All are welcome. If you are interested please contact Máirt Hanley on 087 6194733 or at rev.hanley@gmail.com

CMSI Christmas Celebration

CMS Ireland invites friends and supporters to come to Monkstown Parish, Dublin on Thursday 15 December 2011 at 7.30pm for the first of two special Christmas celebrations for the Society.

“Please join us for an evening of worship and fellowship at this special time of year. The evening will include contributions from the Discovery Gospel Choir, as we well as stories, songs and refreshments.”

See: www.cmsireland.org