C of I news

Clogher Marriage Preparation Day : Lecture in St. Bartholomew’s : Education Newsbrief (NI) : Clogher Bible study
Clogher Marriage Preparation Day
Planned for Saturday 28th April 2012 from 9.30am to 6.00pm in the Killyhevelin Hotel, Enniskillen. The event will be hosted by the Rector of Rossorry Parish in the Diocese of Clogher, the Revd Arthur Barrett and his wife Brigid. It is a one day event for all couples who are preparing for marriage or are recently married. “It is a very relaxed and informal, couples will be seated at tables for two, and there will be no group work or discussion sessions!” Tea and Coffee will be served from 9.00am, there will also be morning coffee and scones, lunch and afternoon tea served to all participants. The cost is £45 per couple, which includes all food, refreshments and resources.Places are limited for this Marriage by Design Event which is produced by Care for the Family, so interested couples are encouraged to book early. To book your place on the course, please complete the Registration Form available from the Revd Arthur Barrett on 02866320239 or by emailing rossorryrector@btinternet.com

”Shadows on the Journey” – lunchtime lecture in St. Bartholomew’s, Belfast
The lecture will be given by the Bishop of Connor, the Right Revd. Alan Abernethy, at 1.10 p.m. on Tuesday March 6. In this lecture Bishop Alan revisits some of the themes of his recent book ‘Shadows on the Journey’, in which he recounts some of the shadows that have accompanied him on his own journey of faith. This enables him to give a frank appraisal of some of the challenges, difficulties and opportunities that face the modern church. His passion for mission is evident throughout, and St. Bartholomew’s rector Ron Elsdon expects that this will enthuse all the members of the audience. Everyone is welcome at this lecture, which commences at 1.10 p.m. . It will include a time for questions. Light refreshments will also be available.

Education Newsbrief (NI), Spring 2012
Published by the General Synod Board of Education (N.I.). The Spring 2012 edition of Education Newsbrief (NI) newsletter may be accessed at:

Clogher Bible study
The Grouped parishes of Clones, Killeevan, Newbliss and Currin will be holding a series of talks during Lent 2012 entitled ‘The beginning of the good news … A study of St Mark’s Gospel’

Monday 27th of February  – Who is Mark? 
Rt Revd John McDowell, Bishop of Clogher, will introduce the man Mark. Bishop John was for nine years the rector of a Church dedicated to Mark. During the evening we will learn more about Mark and his significance.  For instance, why is he often pictured in art as a lion?

Monday 5th of March  -What is so special with St Mark’s Gospel? 
Canon Helene T. Steed, Rector of Clones, will give an overview of the Gospel. St Mark’s Gospel has a chorological, geographical, and theological structure. Together we will study the composition of the Gospel as well as discover some unforgettable passages with wonderful details.

Monday 19th of March – Follow me and fish for people. 
Revd Henry Blair, Rector of Magheraculmoney (Kesh), will talk on discipleship. What it is to be a follower of Jesus today? Reading St Mark’s Gospel, it is evident that discipleship is a central topic in the Gospel. With honesty we are told that it is not always easy to be a disciple and sometimes it may bring suffering (13:9–13).
Monday 26th of March  – Schish, be quiet – do not say anything!
Revd Bryan Kerr, Rector of Lisbellaw, will explain why Jesus sometimes explicit said: Do not tell anyone. Remain silent about what has happened. This he said after casting out demons, (1:34), after healing a deaf man, (7:36), as well as after Peter declared Jesus as the Messiah (8:29–39). Jesus commands his followers several times to silence about his identity as the Messiah. The ‘messianic secret’ is a puzzle in St Mark’s Gospel and in exploring it we will find out the reasons behind it.  NB: no talk on Monday the 12th of March.

The talks, followed by light refreshments and questions, are held in the Cassandra Hand Centre, Clones at 8.00pm on Mondays in Lent.