C of I news briefs

Relevance of the Church,  A single candle at Belfast 9/11 service, Dublin pets’ service, Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise is now on Facebook

Relevance of the Church
Lord Eames of Armagh speaking at yesterday’s service of the consecration of the Bishop of Tuam, Rt Rev Patrick Rooke, said, ‘A key word for society is relevance. In all aspects of our lives the question is being asked about relevance and usefulness in, for instance, institutional life, political life and the role of charities. Society is asking, “What are the real essentials for satisfaction in life?” A wind of change is blowing through what people consider those essentials to be. Economic realities are compelling many to review those essentials. The Church is itself under new scrutiny as to its relevance in our society. We cannot escape this questioning – nor can the Church avoid searching questions it must ask about itself. What is its real message to a world which is becoming more and more cynical about the nature of authority, traditional attitudes to moral issues and what is the real meaning of life?”

Dr Eames continued challening the Church on its relevance and how to transmit its ancient message to a restless world,saying, ‘Real conversations and dialogue is needed within the Church as to its relevance and how it transmits its ancient message to a restless world. How does the Church confront the marketplace with a message of a God of love at a time when there are so many conflicting recipes for what really matters in life?’

A single candle
A single candle will burn throughout a service of Choral Eucharist in St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, on September 11, remembering those who died in the terrorist attacks 10 years ago.

The Dean of Belfast, the Very Rev John Mann, said this simple gesture would mark the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the United States of America and acknowledge the ‘significant ongoing effects’ of the attacks in which almost 3,000 people lost their lives.

The candle will burn throughout the 11am service, from an opening moment of remembrance and during prayers and intercessions.

Ten years ago in July 2001, the Choir of St Anne’s sang in both New York Cathedrals, and visited the World Trade Center. In the aftermath of 9/11, two books of condolences were signed in both St Anne’s and in its partner cathedral, St Peter’s which were later presented to the US Consul at a joint service. The choristers of both cathedrals wrote prayers which were also forwarded. The civic service in St Anne’s was attended by HM Lieutenant, the Lord Mayor, The Secretary of State and the General Officer Commanding NI.

The Spire of Hope at St Anne’s was dedicated on the anniversary of 9/11 when the preacher was the Bishop of New York, Rt Rev. Mark Sisk.

See PRAY2DAY on this site for prayers over the period of 9/11

Pet Service

All pets will be very welcome at Rathfarnham Parish Church, Dublin, on Sunday 18 September 2011, 10.30am.

A representative from AADI will speak at our Pet Service and the collection will be given to AADI to help with this valuable work. Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland was founded in 2010 and their Headquarters is based in Mallow Co. Cork. The service provides highly trained assistance dogs for children with autism and their families. The charity provides a valuable service that can have life changing effects for children with autism and their families and the assistance dogs are provided free of charge. Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland (AADI) relies exclusively on voluntary contributions as it does not receive any Government funding.

For more information see www.autismassistancedogsireland.ie.

Irish Language Facebook site
Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise is now on Facebook. Caroline Nolan, Oifigeach Forbartha Gaeilge,(Irish Language Development Officer), writes:

A chairde,

Tá Facebook page againn anois.
 We are now on Facebook and we hope to have a website up and running shortly.

Tá fógraí ann maidir leis na seirbhísí i nGaeilge – Faoi láthair tá seirbhís lóin, (12.45) Ardteampall Chríost, Dé Luain 26 Meán Fómhair, agus gach ceathrú Luan ina dhiaidh sin.
 There is a notice on Facebook about upcoming services, namely a lunchtime service @ 12.45 on Monday 26 September, Christ Church Cathedral and on every 4th Monday of the month.

Beidh An Eocairist ar an gceathrú Domhnach de gach mí idir anois agus an Nollaig @ 5.00 in Ardteampall Chríost.
 Between now and Christmas Holy Communion will be @ 5.00 in Christ Church Cathedral . We hope that a new bi–lingual service will begin in the New Year at a different time of the day.

Tá súil againn go mbeidh ábhar crábhaidh thuas roimh ó bhfad.
 We hope to have worship materials on the site soon (hopefully so that people can listen to the prayers as well as read them).

Más rud é gur mhaith leat tuilleadh eolais, ná bíodh leisce ort glaoch orm. 
If you would like further information, please do not hestiate to contact me.

R’phost: gaeleaglais@gmail.com