Calls for action after 600 attacks on places of worship in Northern Ireland

That’s approximately every three days for five years

Photo above – The scene of a paint bomb attack at St MacNissi’s Parish Church in Larne. Courtesy of Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker Press

There have been more than 600 attacks on places of worship in Northern Ireland in the last five years, a Christian charity has revealed, Mark Bain writes in the Belfast Telegraph.

On average that’s approximately every three days and the startling figure has prompted renewed calls for action to protect churches and other religious buildings.

Belfast has seen the most incidents with 173 attacks, accounting for more than a quarter of the total number, but incidents of arson, smashed windows and graffiti have been reported in all parts of Northern Ireland.

Now, with lockdown restrictions beginning to ease and churches returning to worship services, Christian charity CARE NI has called on the NI Executive to consider policies to ensure places of worship are properly protected.

The charity revealed that since 2014/15, there have been 601 crimes recorded as criminal damage to religious buildings, churchyards or cemeteries across Northern Ireland’s 11 policing districts.

It has previously called for a Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme to be set up, mirroring a similar scheme available in England and Wales.
Created in July 2016, the fund provides financial resources so places of worship can buy security measures such as CCTV, fencing and lighting.

Rev Aaron McAlister, rector of Derriaghy Parish Church, said he would support additional Government measures to protect places of worship.

“In November 2019, our church was broken in to and vandalised. Significant damage was caused to our vestry and our sanctuary,” he said.

“The individuals concerned managed to get in behind our organ while searching for valuables but fortunately there was nothing to take.

“It left many of my parishioners deeply upset. An attack on a place of worship is an attack on the community that worships there.

“Rather than getting on with serving our community, we have had to spend valuable hours repairing the damage caused.

“I would support additional Government measures to protect places of worship. Action to prevent attacks happening to other faith communities would be hugely welcome.”

The figures were revealed by a Freedom of Information request to the PSNI, and CARE NI policy officer, Mark Baillie, said that the alarming regularity of attacks on churches means it makes sense to consider introducing a security fund.

“More than 600 attacks in the last five years is a reminder that places of worship, which should be safe spaces for worshippers and congregants, are all too often targeted by vandalism and violence,” he said.

“The gradual easing of lockdown will surely only increase the opportunity and risk of further attacks, and therefore it’s important MLAs take action.

“Last year, following CARE NI’s previous research into this issue, we wrote to the party leaders asking for a manifesto commitment to create a security fund.

“We had positive engagement with a number of political parties and we are today calling on the Northern Ireland Executive to take this up. It is a human right for individuals to live out and practice their religious beliefs and attacks on places of worship offend against those rights.

“The scheme in England and Wales is a practical step we could introduce here to equip places of worship to invest in adequate security to prevent criminal damage.”

He added: “In a free and democratic society, no one should be afraid of gathering together with those who share their faith in a place of worship.”

Courtesy The Belfast Telegraph
First published 27 August 2020
