Christian counsellor seeks police investigation after witness intimidation

Adjournment sought

A Christian counsellor, due to appear before a Professional Conduct Panel for giving therapy to a homosexual man who pretended to be a Christian, is calling on her professional body to push back any determination on this case as the police have been asked to investigate intimidation of one of her key witnesses.

Lesley Pilkington is due before a panel of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (“BACP”) for giving therapy to a homosexual man who pretended to be a Christian wishing to stop practising homosexuality.

The counsellor is defending herself against a formal complaint by Patrick Strudwick, a homosexual journalist who went undercover to secretly record two therapy sessions with her. Mr. Strudwick published an account of the sessions in The Independent and now campaigns against Christians who give therapy to other Christians who have asked for help with their sexuality.

Shortly before the hearing, the BACP required all Witness Statements to be passed to them with contact details, and to Mr Strudwick. Immediately after supplying the statements, an expert witness received several menacing phone calls, threats and intimidation, telling the witness not to attend the hearing.