Church News Ireland – April 5

Image of the day – Bishop completes big bike ride round diocese for world development funds

+People and places
Launch of Living Faith, Living history – through the eyes of primary school children
Maud may be Missionary Aviation Fellowship’s oldest frequent flyer
St. Polycarp’s parish celebrates 90th Anniversary
Stainer at St John’s Malone
Ordained in St Canice’s Cathedral

+News reports
Stop this obscene killing,’ pleads Archbishop after reports of war crimes in Ukraine
Strong case’ to expel Russian Orthodox Church from ecumenical body, says Rowan Williams
Vatican: Teachers in Church schools have duty to uphold Catholic ethos

+In the media
German cardinal admits blessing gay couples and calls for Church teaching on homosexuality to change

Christians Against Poverty warns of ‘catastrophic’ rising cost of living

Click here – CNI APRIL 5
