Church News Ireland – February 9

Image of the day – The Giant’s Causeway

+People and places
New Pentecost: Moving to the Edges theme for Ecumenical Bible Week
Service will celebrate 40th anniversary of ordination of women in the Non-Subscribing Presbyterian

+News reports
How a plot of unused church land helped families priced out of the housing market

+In the media
Controlled schools ‘can’t support’ integrated education bill
How many sick and elderly people are living at home and waiting for a visit?’ – Pope Francis
Family of Jean McConville hoping to sue Sinn Fein
Public appeal to solve 300-year-old ‘Shandon Mystery’ –
Germany’s Synodal Assembly votes for Catholic women deacons by large majority

+Webinars, music, resources, broadcasts, and books
Ears to hear – discipleship in the local church
Archbishop of Canterbury’s address to Belfast Four Corners Festival
Belfast City Council Jewish Culture Cafe on-line Zoom event
Exploring how a Synodal Church Can be A Listening Church
Strangford and Lecale can apply for a free tree pack today

Baroness Hoey – Action, not words, is needed to resolve the Protocol threat

+Poem for today
In Memory of My Mother by Patrick Kavanagh

Click here – CNI February 9
