Church News Ireland – July 12

Image of the day – Celtic Christian roots

News –

Top Tripadviser award for St Anne’s Shandon
Down and Conor youth team leave for Lourdes
Supporting spouses in times of bereavement
Relics of St Bernadette will journey on pilgrimage to Ireland

Cathedral Calls –
Irish bishop views Christ Church Cathedral Vancouver

Clergy –
Meet the New Curate of Kilternan
Rector of Magheracross Parish, Clogher

Webinars, music, resources, broadcasts, and books –
Irish Methodist World Mission Partnership
Celebrating 30 years of Derryvolgie Hall
‘Anthem’ Youth Worship Week in Holywood Parish

In the media –
Belfast Telegraph – A dozen historic listed Belfast churches which ‘tell story of the city’ lying vacant

Speaking to the soul –
Short reading and a prayer – daily on this site

Click at – A CNI JULY 12
