CNI News summary 2 – 14th February

Church news in the media – Ireland and Great Britain – Links. Including -Former diplomat says Ireland shouldn’t have closed Vatican embassy: Couples engaged for longer as weddings “hit by recession”: Murdered student laid to rest in Malawi ; Getting Gerry Adams –  Norman Baxter’s Long Crusade : Three-quarters of students have had unprotected sex: survey : New rules will require colleges to merge or lose funding : Thug who beat up bus tour rival now pastor, court told – See also Church News summary 1

Former diplomat says Ireland shouldn’t have closed Vatican embassy
thejournal.ie – Seán Donlon, a former secretary-general at the Department of Foreign Affairs who has also served as Ireland’s ambassador to the United States, said the closure meant Ireland would miss opportunities to have input in Church policies.
More at: http://www.thejournal.ie/former-diplomat-says-ireland-shouldn%E2%80%99t-have-closed-vatican-embassy-354087-Feb2012/

Couples engaged for longer as weddings “hit by recession”
The Journal.ie – Perhaps unsurprisingly, the recession has led to the cost of Irish weddings falling – but they still cost more than €20,000 on average, a new survey shows.

More at : http://www.thejournal.ie/couples-engaged-for-longer-as-weddings-hit-by-recession-354026-Feb2012/

Murdered student laid to rest in Malawi
Irish Times – A special event of prayers, preaching and hymns was conducted by the Pentecostal Living Waters Church at her parents’ house in Kanjedza, a small suburb in Blantyre, where Ms Mawere was born and grew up. She moved to Ireland to study human resources …
More at: http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/ireland/2012/0213/1224311683634.html

Getting Gerry Adams –  Norman Baxter’s Long Crusade
CounterPunch – by Eamonn McCann – Norman Baxter may find policing in Kabul these days more congenial than policing in Belfast. The former RUC and PSNI Detective Chief Superintendant is one of a number of senior Northern Ireland police officers who have decided that the new, reformed force is not for them, have taken redundancy and signed up with a private firm of “security consultants” with a contract from the Pentagon to help train the new Afghan police force.
More at : http://www.counterpunch.org/2012/02/13/norman-baxters-long-crusade/

Three-quarters of students have had unprotected sex: survey
The Journal.ie – A new nationwide survey of students in Ireland has found that three out of four students have had unprotected sex, while 70 per cent of students surveyed said they had never been tested for sexually transmitted infection.
More at : http://www.thejournal.ie/three-quarters-of-students-have-had-unprotected-sex-survey-353459-Feb2012/

New rules will require colleges to merge or lose funding
The Journal.ie – Plans published by the Irish Higher Education Authority will ask small colleges to merge with bigger ones or face the financial chop.

More at : http://www.thejournal.ie/new-rules-will-require-colleges-to-merge-or-lose-funding-353852-Feb2012/

Thug who beat up bus tour rival now pastor, court told
Belfast Telegraph – A former bus tour worker convicted of beating and banging a rival operator’s head off a kiosk in Belfast city centre is now a church pastor, a court has heard.
David ‘Beefy’ Cromie has moved to England, where he has established his own congregation, his lawyer disclosed.
More at : http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-ireland/thug-who-beat-up-bus-tour-rival-now-pastor-court-told-16116484.html?r=RSS&google_editors_picks=true#ixzz1mFRSaCsz

See USA Church news summary – Worldwide section this site