CNI News summary 3 – 14th February

Church news in the media – Great Britain.  Including –
‘Militant secularisation’ taking hold of British society, says Lady Warsi : Secularists lobby to remove NHS chaplains : ‘Don’t kick out NHS chaplains’ urges Carlisle bishop : Why the Bideford ruling on council prayers is a setback for secularism: Underage sex? Parents, just say no : It’s time for Christians to fight back : Poll: British Christians Believe Religion ‘Should Be Kept Out Of Public Policy’
‘Militant secularisation’ taking hold of British society, says Lady Warsi
The Guardian – UK Government visit to Vatican – There has also been sharp disagreements with the Church of England over secular issues such as bonuses and the role of banks. Implicitly rejecting multiculturalism, Warsi, the first female Muslim to serve as a minister, will say that the best way to …
More at : http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/feb/13/militant-secularisation-christianity-lady-warsi?newsfeed=true

Also: Telegraph –   http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/telegraph-view/9079414/Faith-must-not-be-driven-from-Britains-public-life.html
BBC News

Secularists lobby to remove NHS chaplains
Christian Concern – Bishops in the Church of England are resisting calls from a secular campaign group to ban the use of NHS money to fund hospital chaplains. The National Secular Society (NSS) argue that the NHS is spending “millions of pounds a year” on chaplains, …
More at :  http://www.christianconcern.com/our-concerns/social/secularists-lobby-to-remove-nhs-chaplains

‘Don’t kick out NHS chaplains’ urges Carlisle bishop
News & Star – Carlisle’s bishop joined calls for the Church of England to make “every effort” to resist “secularist” calls for chaplains to be excluded from the NHS. The Bishop of Carlisle, the Right Reverend James Newcome, said chaplains provided support and …
More at : http://www.newsandstar.co.uk/news/don-t-kick-out-nhs-chaplains-urges-carlisle-bishop-1.924557?referrerPath=home


Why the Bideford ruling on council prayers is a setback for secularism
The Guardian – Their three main shots at goal – their appeal to the constitutional status of the Church of England, their invocation of tradition and their claims about the wishes of the good burgesses of Bideford – all went wide. On the other hand, many observers …
More at : http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2012/feb/13/bideford-council-prayers-secularism?newsfeed=true

Underage sex? Parents, just say no
Telegraph – An impassioned debate took place at the Church of England General Synod last week in the face of an ongoing campaign to exclude religious influence in the NHS. Secularist campaigners have demanded that the taxpayer should no longer fund chaplains in …
More at : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/9075260/Underage-sex-Parents-just-say-no.html

It’s time for Christians to fight back
Telegraph. Christine Odone writes at:

Poll: British Christians Believe Religion ‘Should Be Kept Out Of Public Policy’
Huffington Post – British Christians do not think religion should have a special influence on public policy and display low levels of belief and practice, research suggests. Despite identifying themselves with the religion, most turn out to be overwhelmingly secular in their attitudes on issues ranging from gay rights to religion in public life, the Ipsos Mori poll found. Almost three quarters (74%) agreed that religion should not influence public policy, while only about one in eight (12%) thought it should, the survey found.
More at : http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/02/13/poll-british-christians-religion-public-policy_n_1274442.html