CNI SUMMARY – Saturday 26th November

Your rapid overview of today’s news and issues.
The symbol § indicates that a fuller report is posted on the CNI site in the category.

“A triumph for injustice,”
–  that was how the principal of the Adair National School in Fermoy, Heather Smith, reacted to the news that an appeal against the controversial decision to axe the school bus service had been refused.§

Disestablishment of interest in North Connor – local historian concludes series§

Wedding fashion show raises £4,000 for charity – A wedding fashion show staged in Newtownabbey has raised almost £4,000 – to be split between Belfast-based ovarian cancer charity Angels of Hope and St Brigid’s Church of Ireland building fund.§

New nuncio ‘unusual choice’- An Irish-American priest is to be the new papal nuncio to Ireland.§

Belfast lecture on  the Unsettled Financial World  – The Annual Catherwood Lecture organised by  Contemporary Christianity will be on Thursday 1 December, 8pm. Bob Goudzwaard will speak on issues relating to the “Global, Local and Personal Aspects of the Unsettled Financial World” at the Belfast Bible College.§

The Salvation Army is a Church with a social mission – insight from Londonderry

NT Wright’s Belfast sermon on ‘Hope’ is now on download.§

Ian Paisley to write ‘caustic criticism’ – Ian Paisley will continue to preach “for a long time,” despite his imminent retirement from his Free Presbyterian ministry, he has revealed.§

Cameron’s Big Society needs Christian values behind it, says Blond – David Cameron’s “Big Society” dream will fail unless the country rediscovers traditionally Christian values, according to the academic credited with helping develop the concept.§

Tens of thousands respond to invitations to Back to Church Sunday – Congregations increased by nearly a quarter. 91 c of I took part.§

New hope for traditionalists – A move by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to soften the women-bishops legislation, rejected by the C of E General Synod in July last year, might return to the Synod next February.§

BBC show “Rev” a hit – Vicar Adam Smallbone, the lead character in the BBC2 show “Rev”, is described as quite normal, and even a bit cool: something that real clergy strive for… And he was out for drinks with the Archbishop of Canterbury prior to the second series.§

Vatican major pastoral congress on health care – The twenty-sixth international conference organised by the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care concludes today has as its theme health, pastoral care, and serving life in the light of the teaching of Pope John Paul II. It is being held in Rome from 24 to 26 November 2011.  In all there are 685 participants from seventy countries.§

Ugandan Anglican bishop speaks out as anti-gay bill looms again §

Girls growing up in a ‘moral abyss’ – The President of the Girls’ Schools Association has joined others in condemning the “moral abyss” in which she feels girls are being raised. Speaking at the Association’s annual conference, Dr Helen Wright said that she had “long been concerned by the seeming erosion of the innocence of childhood in the 21st Century.”§

Growing number of over-60s seeking divorce – A growing number of British couples are divorcing in their 60s, official figures show.§

Iain Duncan Smith MP makes spirited defence of marriage – Iain Duncan Smith MP, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and former leader of the Conservative party, spoke up in a spirited manner for marriage and the family on the World at One earlier this month.§


Boys’ Brigade Brass  at Carol Service in Balgriffin.§

Booterstown’s ‘Raise the Roof’ Fundraising Concert – in aid of replacing the church roof.§

Come And Sing Carols at St. Mary’s, Limerick – Saturday 3rd December, with special guests St. Mary’s Prize Band.§

St Patrick’s, Dublin – December services and events§

Belfast Cathedral’s Christmas services§

United service in Donoughmore parish tomorrow – Archbishop Jackson will preside and preach at a united service in Donoughmore parish church, Co. Wicklow, where he will also preside over the Girls’ Friendly Society enrolment.

Advent Processions in St Patrick’s Cathedral, at Evensong and in Christ Church Cathedral at 5pm

Community Advent Carol Service – St Andrew’s Church, Malahide,7pm