CNI summary – Tuesday 23rd November

In a fresh approach to facilitating readers, CNI will present a news summary most days. These will be arranged to enable a rapid overview. Summaries marked § indicate a fuller report on the CNI site.


Parishioners rally after food parcels are stolen – Following the theft of Christmas food parcels for needy folk in Belfast from Hillsborough Parish, Co Down, parishioners and others rallied to resupply.§

Hatching Help for Rwanda – Derry and Raphoe’s Bishops’ Appeal project in Rwanda was the focus of two services last Sunday§


Bishops protest at benefits cuts – 18 C of E bishops with the support of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York expressed concern in a letter to the Observer prior to the House of Lords debate on Monday regardng proposed cuts in welfare and child benefits.  Some commentators stated that the bishops had misunderstood the Coalition government’s proposals. The bishops were backing concerns stated by the Children’s Society and the Children’s Commissioners throughout the UK, that some 3.8million children were living in poverty.§

No Rome here – The Bishop of London has issued a pastoral letter warning clergy not to use the new Roman Missal. One response was that he was  sabre rattling and that he had not taken any action against evangelicals who did not use any authorised liturgical form.§

Abuse and desecration at St Paul’s – Drug abuse, desecration, alcoholism and anti social behaviour is cited in the City of London Council’s action against the protestors at St Paul’s Cathedral.§

Anglican Covenant rejection – Two more C of E dioceses have voted against acceptance of the Anglican Covenant – Birmingham and Truro.


Nun killed in India – A 53 year old nun who was well known for her campaigns for civil rights in India has been hacked to death in an area where there was a dispute between local people and mining companies.

Jesus an obscenity – Christian leaders have protested to the minister responsible for the Pakistan telephone systems which had issued a directive that the words “Jesus Christ” were obscene and text messages containing them should be blocked.


Leading headmistress’ concern – Dame Helen Wright, a leading English school headmistress has strongly condemned parents who permit their daughters to be inappropriately dressed for their age and TV shows which centre on arrogance and bullying.§


A most unlikely hero – BBC Two’s series ‘The Choir’, which reaches its climax this week, has created reality TV’s most unlikely hero – conductor Gareth Malone.§