Irish Jews upset as their religion omitted from Irish census

On Sunday evening Ireland’s 2011 census was completed. and the Irish government urged  Jewish leaders in Ireland to ask their congregation to complete their forms despite the fact 70-485   that listing Judaism as their religion was not  available on  the census form.

Irish Central reports that the census will be used to calculate the basis of state funding for religious education over the next five years in Ireland, however there is not a category for Judaism.
Members of the Jewish community feel that this oversight would mean that Jews, many of whom are immigrants or temporary workers from Israel, Eastern Europe or the United States, would go uncounted. 1Z0-272 exams

The population of Jewish people in Ireland is less than 2,000 and only half of them are affiliated with one of the four synagogues in the country. There are also only two Jewish schools, one elementary and one high school.

The Irish government has promised to convene an education  forum to begin the reform of religious control of state-funded schools. However, Jews are now worried their concerns will not be addressed.

The primary findings of Ireland’s census should be available by July. Two million census forms are expected to be returned. Residents are legally obliged to fill out the forms or they will be fined over $25,000.

Householders are asked questions on their age, marital status, religion, ethnic background and education. All 27 European Union member states will carry out a census this year.