Irish Science and Religion Course

Initial details of Faraday Course to be held in June

Belfast will be the venue for the second Faraday Course on Science and Religion to be held in Ireland to date.  Organised jointly by the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion and Christians in Science Ireland, the course will be held at a central Belfast venue (details tbc) from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th June 2011 inclusive.  Faraday courses are aimed at scientists, clergy, teachers, students and others interested in contemporary issues in science and religion.

Details of course lecturers, their affiliations and provisional titles are given below:
1.    Prof. David Livingstone (Professor of Geography & Intellectual History, QUB) – The Demise of the Conflict Model in Science and Religion?
2.    Dr. William Crawley (BBC Journalist & Broadcaster) – A Media Perspective on Science-Religion Issues.
3.    Rev. Dr. Rodney Holder (Course Director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, St Edmund’s College, Cambridge) – Science and the Justification of Religious Belief.
4.    Rev. Dr. Scott Peddie (Minister, The Old Presbyterian Church Templepatrick) – ‘Animal Theology’ as a Case Study in the Interaction of Science and Christianity.
5.   Prof. Tom Millar (Professor of Astrophysics & Dean of Engineering and Physical Sciences, QUB) – Multiple Universes, One Faith?
6.    Prof. Dame Ingrid Allen (Emeritus Professor of Neuropathology, QUB) – The Neuroscience Correlates of Religious Faith & Practice.
7.    In conversation with Rev. Prof. Ernan McMullin (Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Director Emeritus of the Program in History and Philosophy of Science, University of Notre Dame) – an exploration of the major issues in the science-religion debate.
8.    General plenary session and open debate chaired by Rev. Prof. Stephen Williams (Professor of Systematic Theology, Union Theological College).

Further information on registration, course costs, available bursaries etc will be posted on the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion website in due course:


More general information on the course and other forthcoming lectures on science and religion at the Christians in Science Ireland website:
