“How can Christians be part of the solutions to Ireland’s difficulties?”

The whole town is invited to join and share in the conference on Sunday 22nd January in the Mullingar Park Hotel  – This conference takes place in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and will be facilitated by Martin Kennedy an experienced freelance trainer and facilitator who works with Church and Community groups

This follows a very successful event run before Christmas where we had over 400 people join us for a celebration of Christian Unity Singing Together in Market Square Donations on the day of over €1500 went to three very worthwhile local charities St Vincent de Paul, The Carers Association and Meals on Wheels.

Christian Voices Together is an initiative launched in January 2011 by the Christian churches in Mullingar.   The aim of the initiative is to support and help people in the community who have been adversely affected by the current economic financial difficulties. The Conference hopes to establish a response to the question “How can Christians be part of the solutions to Ireland’s difficulties? gather proposals from the Community and put in place some working groups to action same.

Those who attended initial events of Christian Voices Together share the confidence that under God’s guidance and care Christians in Mullingar would develop a shared vision of care for the community which offered support in practical ways to those in need.

The Churches involved in the ‘Christian voices together’ initiative are

Catholic Churches:
– Cathedral in Mullingar
– St. Paul’s  in Mullingar
– Parish Churches in Kinnegad and Clonard
– Rathwire Parish Church
– Killucan and Raharney Parish Churches
-Sonna and Ballynacargy Parish Churches

Church Of Ireland:
– All Saints in Mullingar
– Parish churches in Killucan, Kilbixy and Almoritia

Presbyterian Church in Mullingar

Christian Fellowship Church in Mullingar

The Pentecostal Church is also very supportive .

The churches have set up a steering group chaired by the Rev. Alastair Graham of Mullingar Church of Ireland Parish and the clergy of all the churches meet together regularly to plan and organise, the Christian Voices Together events. There is a very strong ecumenical bond of friendship and co- operation between all those involved.

Clergy involved include:
Fr. John Nally, Fr. Padraig McMahon,Fr. Paul Crosby,Fr. Michael Kilmartin,Fr.Tom Kilroy, the Rev. Stephen Lockington , Rev Alastair Graham, Pastor Arun (Christian Fellowship )

Website  www.christianvoicestogether.com
Follow on facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Christian-Voices-Together-Mullingar/310942372259762