Speaking to the Soul – Tuesday September 21

A short reading and prayers for today

CNI Daily magazine September 20

Image of the day - Origami angels at Hexham Abbey

Speaking to the Soul – Monday September 20

A short reading and prayers for today

Speaking to the Soul – Sunday September 19

A short reading and prayers for today

CNI Daily magazine September 18

Image of the day - Creation at Hull Minster

Speaking to the Soul – September 18

A short reading and prayers for today

CNI Daily magazine September 17

Image of the day - Confirmation in Bandon

Speaking to the Soul – September 17

A short reading and prayers for today

CNI Daily magazine September 16

Image of the day - Chapel of Kings College

Speaking to the Soul – September 16

A short reading and prayers for today

CNI Daily magazine September 15

Image of the day - the oldest synagogue in Europe

Speaking to the Soul – September 15

A short reading and prayers for today

CNI Daily magazine September 14


Speaking to the Soul – September 14

A short reading and prayers for today

CNI Daily magazine September 13

Image of the day - Broglasco Farm in Myroe, Limavady

Speaking to the Soul – September 13

A short reading and prayers for today

CNI Daily magazine September 11

Image of the day - Ballintoy Church

and Rathlin West light

CNI Daily magazine September 10

Image of the day - Knight of The Order of St John

CNI Daily magazine September 9

Image of the day - Former bouncer becomes new

Boys’ Brigade President

CNI Daily magazine September 8

Image of the day - Port Ballintrae, County Antrim

CNI Daily magazine September 7

Image of the day - Climate Sunday service at

Glasgow Cathedral

CNI Daily magazine September 6

Image of the day - UK Ambassador to the Holy See presents his letter of appointment


CNI Daily magazine September 4

Image of the day - Care for the earth, Hull Minster

CNI Daily magazine September 3

Image of the day - Belfast Cathedral

# CNI Daily magazine September 2

Image of the day - Coventry Cathedral

CNI Daily magazine September 1

Image of the day - St Columba’s Ennis recording RTE Service for Sept 5

CNI Daily magazine August 31

Image of the day - Lest we forget, Semper Fi

CNI News magazine, August 30

Image of the day - St Patrick's Catholic Cathedral Armagh

CNI News Magazine August 28

Image of the day - Lady Chapel, St Patrick’s Cathedral

CNI News Magazine August 27

Image of the day - by Paul Henry