Archbishop Jackson welcomes easing of worship restrictions

Gathering is important in how people of faith function

360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

4 m wide wreath at York Minster

Speaking to the soul

Be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return

President Higgins message on 150th anniversary of St Fin Barre’s Cathedral

Watch live at 11am Monday via webcam

Church Planting support in Down and Dromore

C of I in every generation has planted new churches

Supreme Court blocks New York’s worship services restrictions

Court says New York pandemic limits restrict religious freedom

360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

Seasons of Blessing – Lessons from Lockdown

Speaking to the soul

Be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return

Online Irish MU Prayer Diary guide for 16 days highlighting gender-based violence

Civilised and compassionate society should...root out domestic abuse - Archbishop of Armagh

Another Chance – a vision borne into reality in Derry parish

Bishop praises volunteers in Another Chance for 2017 flood response and growth since

C of I Bishops’ Appeal launches Mother and Child Advent Appeal

Mother and Child Appeal to support four initiatives

Canadian primate supports bill to ban conversion therapy

Strongly encourages the passing of this important legislation

Press review – No, Joe Biden’s sentimental attachment to Ireland doesn’t imperil Brexit or the special relationship

Ruth Dudley Edwards in The Daily Telegraph

Speaking to the soul

The Bible isn’t against rich people…

Sustainable Christmas tips, acts of kindness, in Irish Catholic Church online Advent calendar

Archbishop Martin of Armagh launches Ireland’s only online Advent Calendar

Practical priorities highlighted in Down & Dromore bishop’s pastoral letter

Bishop David McClay identifies six key areas

Cutting international aid budget “short-sighted” and must be reconsidered – Church of Scotland

Budget cut from 0.7% of gross national income to 0.5%

360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

Dublin’s Black Santa celebrates 20th anniversary

Speaking to the soul

The Heavens Opened

Gender-Based Violence: Anglican Communion plans webinar series during 16 Days of Activism

Online training to help people identify the signs of domestic abuse

Kirk’s Advent calendar to bring ‘Bright Hope For Tomorrow’

The theme of the Church of Scotland’s 2020 Advent Calendar

New video celebrates ordained ministry by women in C of I

Contributions from 62 female Church of Ireland clergy

Gay Christian campaigner calls for public inquiry into evangelical teaching on sexuality

"This sort of teaching is wrong, harmful, dangerous and must be stopped"

360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

Cross walk to the top of Slieve Donard

Speaking to the soul

Dean of Belfast urges Ní Chuílin to intervene over office development at Writer’s Square

Long cited concerns over losing the space from public ownership

Moderator calls Church to prayer

Prayer is the ultimate expression of our helplessness

Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle worth £8m

It brought in more than £1.4m in donations

Press review – The dying Church of England cannot afford a sabbatical

It’s a Church stuck in the Sixties - Tim Stanley in the Daily Telegraph

360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

Send a slate to St Patrick for Christmas