Speaking to the soul

Your life is like the morning fog

Leaders of Irish Churches concerned at anti-Covid restrictions

A cause of significant regret and concern

Church in Wales launches new safeguarding policy after report into failings

Aims to make guidelines "clearer and more accessible"

Canadian Primate concerned about growth in societal stress as Covid-19 pandemic lingers

Clergy and bishops are feeling stress also

Press review – Brit-bashing is brutalising us and sowing dragon’s teeth

I have never known such Anglophobia but I do know it will end badly -

Eoghan Harris in the Sunday Independent

360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

Aviation backdrop to Remembrance Service

Speaking to the soul

Come close to God, and God will come close to you

Online Institution in Dublin’s Rathmichael Parish

People from all over the island and beyond watched

Archbishop of Canterbury’s Chaplain to become key Church of England theology adviser

“Doing theology is a very practical business”

Cathedrals and churches plan ‘alternative’ Christmas carol services and festivities

Despite no prospect yet of congregational singing

French returns with a festive blessing as Vicar of Dibley

Back in the dog collar, back in Dibley and back on your telly

360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

Bishop Andrew Forster with the 'Hope in the Pandemic' prayer booklet

Speaking to the soul

God opposes the proud

C of I General Synod 2020 will take place online

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the ordination of women to the priesthoood

Mass of Remembrance with Archbishop Neary for those who have died from Covid-19

God as Shepherd will gather His people

Curate takes worship into whole new dimension – with children’s services in Minecraft

Unusual outreach has been well received

Peterborough residents hold the key to keeping Cathedral open

Christmas Keys appeal

360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

How social housing can put wealth back into local communities

Speaking to the Soul

You don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it

Ukulele-playing Donegal priest named ‘inspirational hero’ of Covid crisis

Fr Pat Ward accompanies himself singing on the ukulele

Take the Knee: It’s time for churches to talk about racism

The Revd Rob Clements devised Take the Knee service in Kilternan

Ely Cathedral Christmas gift fair goes virtual

Online visitors can browse Christmas gifts from 200+ festive exhibitors

360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

Anything but Covid photography competition

Speaking to the soul

The wisdom from above is first of all pure...

Christian Aid Christmas appeal

Every day, he digs in a dry riverbed to find water for his cattle.

COVID-19 has created poverty in new guises – Bishop Leahy

Speaking on World Day of Poor

Cathedrals to open their doors as Covid-19 vaccination centres

“For the healing of the sick and protecting the vulnerable”

Rev. Dr Hans-Ruedi Weber dies at 97

Former director of biblical studies at the World Council of Churches

360 Miscellany

Hope for the Soul – new booklet for daily living

Following on from the hugely successful booklet, Calm for the Soul, Ruth Gyves (Photo above), a Diocesan Lay Reader and Lay Assistant Pastor at Holy Trinity Rathmines, has produced another booklet – *Hope for the Soul*.  “We all need to have hope in these days and this booklet focusses the attention the reasons the Bible gives us to be hopeful, offering helpful prayers and readings we can use in our daily lives,” Ruth explains. Ideally, Ruth would like churches or organisations to distribute copies among their members, but it is available for all. The booklet is an ideal size for popping in with Christmas cards. Contact Ruth on 087 232 8848 or by email, [ruthgyves@gmail.com](mailto:ruthgyves@gmail.com)   to order with a suggested donation towards costs of €1 per copy (plus postage).

4 Corners Festival to stream online

Professor John Paul Lederach, internationally renowned conflict transformation expert, is the keynote speaker at the ninth annual 4 Corners Festival that takes place in Belfast from January 31 to February 7 2021. Due to the pandemic, most of those attending the Christian arts festival that offers a rich mix of talks, music, drama, and prayer will do so from the comfort of their homes as the events will be streamed on-line having been promoted on social media. The organising committee announced on the festival’s website (http://www.4cornersfestival.com/) that the theme is Breathe… from the Hebrew word Ruach meaning ’breath’ or ‘spirit’ – the meaning of life. They added, in a letter to supporters: “The programme is designed to encourage the breathing of hope and creativity into our city and to foster resilience as we contend with the challenges of the pandemic.” Others taking part will include singer-songwriter Duke Special, Jamaican-born poet and singer-songwriter Raquel McKee and the poet and theologian Pádraig Ó Tuama. The full programme will be announced shortly on the website and it is planned that a limited number will be able to attend some of the events, regulations permitting.

Appointment to Knocknagoney Parish

The Bishop of Down and Dromore has appointed Andrew Frame as Commissioned Parish Worker for the Parish of Knocknagoney.* Andrew will be a familiar face to many in the diocese. For a number of years he worked at Bangor Parish Church in the areas of Youth, Young Adults and Mission and then moved on to work in the Church of Ireland Youth Department. For the past four years he has been the Associate Pastor at Kings Church in Bangor. Andrew is married to Jude who is a primary school teacher and they have two girls aged 7 and 10. Macey the dog completes the family. Speaking of his appointment Andrew said: “As a family we are really excited to move to Knocknagoney Parish as I begin my new role there. We are looking forward to getting to know the people in the parish and also the wider community. This is a new season for our family and for the congregation and we can’t wait to see what God will do.” Andrew will take up his new post on 1 December.

Meath & Kildare new web site

Meath & Kildare have launched a new diocesan website. Commending the new website, Bishop Pat Storey said, “We are all finding new ways new ways to keep in touch and to communicate in the difficult months of the pandemic. In the midst of the disruption there has been huge creativity in communication, from parishes, clergy and parishioners across the dioceses. We want our new diocesan website to add to all our efforts to tell a story of good news, in every way possible. [https://meathandkildare.org](https://www.ireland.anglican.org/https://meathandkildare.org/) You can also keep up to date with diocesan news by ‘Liking’ or ‘Following’ the diocesan Facebook page:  [www.facebook.com/MeathandKildare]

Reminder: Advent – The Dawn of Hope online retreat (28th November)

Places are still available for the Commission on Ministry’s Advent retreat – ‘Dawn of Hope’ – which will take place online by Zoom on Saturday 28th November 2020 (9.30am–1.00pm). This event is free of charge and a biography of our guest speaker, the Rev Ruth Patterson, is below.  For booking or further information, please contact Catherine Smith at  [catherine.smith@rcbdub.org] Speaker  -  The Rev Ruth Patterson is a Presbyterian minister, and for the last 29 years has been Director of Restoration Ministries, a non–denominational, Christian organisation committed to peace and reconciliation.

Well said

"We need an outward looking, forward looking Church that touches the hearts & lives of both people & society through authentic witness to Jesus Christ. The Church must touch hearts not by constant condemnation but by opening hearts realistically to joy and #hope." AB Martin of Dublin

Pointers to Prayer

We pray today for the elderly and all who are particularly vulnerable and isolated at the moment, for their deliverance, protection and comfort. We hold before God those who care for them – that they will be strengthened and encouraged in this work. Today we pray for Italian hospitals. People with suspected coronavirus have been given oxygen in their cars in Naples after a nearby hospital became overwhelmed with patients. We pray for adequate resourcing for hospitals worldwide and comfort for those suffering. Please pray for Peru where there is serious civil unrest and some violence on the streets. Pray for those in authority, for God's will to be done.... for justice, wisdom and peace. Today we pray for Hong Kong. The widespread crackdown on opposition and protest by Beijing has led to a mass resignation by the pro-democracy caucus. We pray for a just peace in Hong Kong, and security and safety for people who live there. Pray for wisdom for President Uhuru Kenyatta and his government as they balance the need to protect vulnerable people against C-19, while at the same time allowing schools and churches to reopen, and those on low incomes to earn their daily living. We pray today for all involved in the shaping of young lives, particularly in these difficult times. We thank God for parents and carers, for the commitment of teachers and all involved in serving children and young people in education.

God in creation

Speaking to the soul