Speaking to the soul

St Edmundsbury Cathedral

Episcopal Ordination for Diocese of Achonry tomorrow

Bishop-elect Paul Dempsey

Rector instituted in Newry after five year vacancy

Centre of Mission a partnership between Diocese and Church Army

Consecration of Bishop of Connor in Armagh next week

The Ven George Davision

Moral call collective issues statement on COVID-19 corruption in South Africa

Calling for accountability and consequences for corruption and crime

360 Miscellany

News and views

Speaking to the soul

He will give a crown of beauty for ashes

Calls for action after 600 attacks on places of worship in Northern Ireland

That's approximately every three days for five years

C of I Safeguarding Board launches website

Archbishop Jackson - ‘Safeguarding lies at the heart of our public and our private work

Ordination of Deacons in Church of Ireland in Cork, Cloyne and Ross

Former Archbishop of Armagh, will conduct the ordination service

Coronavirus leaves Diocese of Sodor and Man ‘on brink of financial ruin’

The Church of England owns 41 Manx churches, including St Patrick's in Jurby

360 Miscellany

News and views

Opinion – Phil Hogan bows out as EU trade chief amid golf club Covid-19 controversy

Something extraordinary has happened in Brussels

Speaking to the soul

Southwark Cathedral

C of I Archdeacon of Belfast announced

The Rev Barry Forde, Chaplain at Queen’s University

Vatican rules that Ampleforth abbot should not return to his community

"The Holy See has studied the case carefully"

Bishop of Chotanagpur deposed and laicised by Church of North India

"He has has committed serious breaches of trust"

360 Miscellany

News and views

Speaking to the soul

Sheffield Cathedral

Saint Fin Barre’s, Cork, signs up to Covid 19 Safety Charter

Fully compliant with the Fáilte Ireland Covid-19 Safety Charter

1 in 4 Brits have regularly engaged in online worship during lockdown

Centre for Digital Theology at Durham University

Another church is turned into a mosque on the orders of Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

360 Miscellany

News and views

Speaking to the Soul

Rochester Cathedral

Just heavenly – Moderator bags Scotland’s Cardinal Munros one after another

Climbed a combined height of 12,484ft in three days marking Week of Prayer which brought Christians together

£6m extension plans for Ripon Cathedral revealed

Dean of Ripon Cathedral with model of extension

Twinning Partnership between Parishes in Cork and Turkwel in Kenya

Maternity Unit in Turkwel

360 Miscellany

News and views

Speaking to the soul

Ripon Cathedral

Bishop of Down & Dromore launches Diocesan Lebanon Appeal

Monies will go directly to a fund managed by Open Doors