Parishioners rally after food parcels are stolen

Following the theft of Christmas food parcels for needy folk in Belfast from Hillsborough Parish, Co Down, parishioners and others rallied to resupply.
The Reverend Mike Dornan has praised the generosity of his parishioners who “swamped a moment of evil with Christian love” after thieves targeted a pre-Christmas collection.

Mr Dornan was speaking following Sunday’s morning service at Hillsborough Parish Church when food donations collected for people in need were stolen from the property’s front porch – at the same time as he delivered his sermon to the assembled congregation.

Parishioners at St Malachy’s were collecting food stuffs for the East Belfast Mission, which distributes Christmas hampers to deprived families.

As the daylight robbery was taking place, Rev Dornan was speaking about providing for the needy in society.

Saying he felt “sad” for the perpetrators, the Co Down clergyman has urged those responsible to return the food.

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