Political parties should come clean with manifestos, says Kirk minister

One of the Church of Scotland’s most senior ministers has challenged the parties contending the 5 May poll for the Scottish Parliament not to hide their detailed policy proposals away.

The Rev Ian Galloway, who is convener of the Kirk’s Church and Society Council, likened political parties not making their manifestos public to applying for a job and not providing a CV until half-way through an interview.

So far only two high-profile parties so far have launched their manifestos. That means more than half of the parties are still campaigning without saying what they’re about, writes Rev Ian Galloway, Convener of the Church and Society Council of the Church of Scotland, in his online blog.

Mr Galloway declares: “The Scottish Parliament dissolved ahead of the May 5 election on March 22. I watched the five main political parties out on the campaign trail and waited to read a full explanation of their policies in their manifestos. Two weeks later, I am still waiting.”

According to the Scottish Churches Parliamentary Office some parties will only make their manifestos available online. Others are talking about charging for copies of their manifestos.

Mr Galloway said: “Can you imagine applying for a job and telling your potential employer that they could not see your CV until halfway through the interview? These parties are asking us to choose who will form the next Scottish Government. They should have the honesty and integrity to tell us what they stand for.”

The Rev Ian Galloway’s blog can be read at: http://www.churchsociety.blogspot.com/