Speaking to the Soul – February 12

A short reading and prayer for today

In the UK we have a strange thing called Prime Minister’s question time. It basically involves two groups of well-educated people shouting at one another across the floor of parliament, in an attempt to discredit the other’s perspective by fair means or foul. It’s a spectacle! But what kind of message does it send out to the millions of people who are watching? What does it tell us about love, community, and healthy conflict resolution?

No one seems to consider what a fantastic opportunity such an event could be in terms of modelling something different. Our politicians could help us to see what it means to engage in meaningful, rigorous dialogue about things that we are passionate about, without the need to disrespect and damage our neighbours, whether that neighbour is in the room or watching in millions of places around the globe. True such an event wouldn’t be quite as newsworthy, but it would do more positive work.

Politics is important. Behind the bluster, bravado, and anger on display in PMQs, there are many good people who work hard running our country, striving for a fair, just, and compassionate society. All that easily gets lost amidst the shouting.

Paul tells us that love is patient, kind, never envying, never boastful or proud, always honouring others. Love is not self-seeking or easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love fights against evil and finds great pleasure in truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails (1 Corinthians 13). I think I can see the problem! We are trying to do politics without love. Those of us who worship the God who is love, need to encourage our leaders to remember to love, even their enemies. True, a politics of love seems ridiculous and impractical, but have we ever tried it? Maybe we should?


Lord God our Father, thank you that we can bring all our burdens to you knowing that you can give us the rest that we need. Amen

Professor John Swinton is Chair in Divinity and Religious Studies at the University of Aberdeen, and founder of the University’s Centre for Spirituality, Health and Disability.