Tweeting for Lent

The blogging bishops

This Lent, Christian Aid is using social media and blogging Bishops to encourage people to use the time between Ash Wednesday and Easter to pray, act and give.

Count Your Blessings will be launched on Twitter by the Bishop of Croydon (@nickbaines) and the Bishop of Huntingdon (@bpdt) on 9 March 2011. They will be using the popular social media site for the 45 days of Lent to share daily reflections and actions.

You can also follow the Count Your Blessings journey on Twitter by going to www.twitter.com/christian_aid where daily actions will be posted every morning, and add to the conversation by using the hashtag #cyblessings.

Bishop Nick Baines said; “The great thing about Twitter is that it allows immediate interaction. Anyone across the world can join in and tweet what they are doing in Lent, so I am encouraging people to follow us, get tweeting and learn through Lent.”

The Count Your Blessings calendar, available to download at www.christianaid.org.uk/lent, encourages people to take a fresh look at the good things in their life and respond through giving, reflection, action or prayer.

Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York, who is also supporting Count Your Blessings said; “I congratulate Christian Aid for its campaign this Lent. We should all Count Our Blessings for what God has given us and I hope that everyone will consider taking action to help those in need this Easter, no matter where they live.”

For more information about the work of Christian Aid visit www.christianaid.org.uk