Understanding Islam

A Christian community set in the peaceful Somerset countryside is playing a major part in promoting peace in multi cultural Britain.642-811
The Ammerdown Centre near Radstock is planning a course to help non Muslims better understand Islam.

Muslims make up the second biggest faith community in Britain after Christians yet there are many misunderstandings and even suspicions of their faith.

Dr Chris Hewer, an expert in Christian-Muslim relations, has specially designed a three-day course to give those taking part a good appreciation of the inner dimensions of Islam and the way it shapes the lives of Muslims, together with the outer expression of Islam as a religion.

The course – Understanding Islam – is being offered twice at Ammerdown this year: 10  to 12 May and 15  to 17 November.

It  is open to everyone but will be of particular interest to people who already working  alongside Muslims including clergy, police, teachers, medical staff, social workers, chaplains and community development workers.

The cost is £220 for those staying at the centre or £147 for non-residential participants, though bursaries are available for people on low income and for multiple bookings.
Dr Hewer has a background in Christian theology, education and Islamic Studies and has worked in the field of Muslims in Britain and Christian-Muslim relations since 1986. From 1999 to 2005  he worked as the Adviser on Inter-Faith Relations to the Bishop of Birmingham. He is the author of “Understanding Islam” (SCM 2006).

Ammerdown, near both Bath and Bristol,  is run as an open Christian community dedicated to hospitality, spirituality and growth. It runs retreats, conferences and courses.
Ammerdown spokesperson Sarah Chabowska said: “Our Muslim neighbours are an important part of our communities. 
“It is so important that we get past the many misunderstandings that abound about Muslims. 642-801
To do so, we need to understand Islam better, and learn ways of building bridges of mutual respect.”

Further details from:  www.ammerdown.org or  telephone  01761 433 709.