
4 Things That Aren’t Going to Change Soon in Youth Ministry

There’s been quite a bit of talk this past year about youth ministry changing drastically in the future, Josh writes.  And while I think youth ministry must always be in a state of evolution and change, my mind wandered to what isn’t going to change anytime soon. If you spend your time on these 4 things, you’ll be ready for wherever God takes you next:

Caring adult leaders

Great volunteers have been a part of youth ministry for a long time – and they will continue to be in the future. These are the inner circle of leadership for your youth ministry. They are your partners, friends, and co-labourers in the faith. Youth ministry will change, but the need for people who love God and love students won’t.

1-on-1 time with students

At the heart of youth ministry must always be the individual student. Even large crowd program and events must continually pursue the one. The church growth movement can be mistakenly representing the desire for the crowd – but good youth ministry does both.

Speak to the crowds, care for the individual.

Bible-based curriculum and teaching
Styles will come and go, sizes of groups and formats will fade, but one thing is going to be at the centre no matter what philosophy you’re implementing. The Bible has been and must be at the centre of youth ministry.

A devoted follower of Jesus leading the group

This is the must –  You can talk about leadership, experiment with the latest and greatest gadgets, tools, core values and even have a great youth ministry blog – but if you’re not in love with Jesus and devoted to Him it will eventually implode.