
April meeting of MINDSET

Many youth leaders are gearing up for Easter, and thinking through ways to best teach young people the message of the cross.

The difficulty can be teach the same truths in a way that the young people don’t automatically think, “I’ve heard it all before!” What about using a passage like Leviticus 16 ‘The Day of Atonement’ this Easter? It contains all the great themes we try and get across to our young people during this season.
This month, at MINDSET, Tim Anderson (St Elizabeth’s, Dundonald) will be teaching us from Leviticus 16.

Come along and see how you can use an Old Testament passage such as this to point to Christ and his amazing work of salvation. 
We will also spend a short time thinking about the practicalities of growing our youth ministry team.

When: Tuesday 12th April 2011 at 7.30pm