
Brazilian Anglican runs to paint church in the City of God

Luiz Coelho is a candidate for Anglican priesthood works in the Parish of Christ the King in the City of God in Rio de Janeiro. The City of God is amongst the poorest and most violent slums in Rio. Luiz was also one of the Young Anglicans that represented the Anglican Communion at Edinburgh 2010.

Since I served in the Army, I have been taking part of long distance races (especially 10k and the half-marathon). I consider running a discipline of prayer. It is during my runs that I manage to “turn off” my daily concerns, ask God for the issues that are pressing me, and dream about the coming of the Kingdom.

Art is also a discipline of prayer. When I produce a work of sacred art, I try to keep myself in harmony with the One who was made humankind for salvation, in the company of this great cloud of witnesses who surround us. Some of the icons I have written are found on this page.

Some months ago, I was invited to conceive a large piece for the church where I work as a pastoral assistant: the Parish of Christ the King, of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil (located in Cidade de Deus, Rio de Janeiro). The piece will function as a reredos that will cover an area of 1.8 x 20 meters behind the altar. It will portray the local community of Cidade de Deus (Portuguese for “City of God”) transformed as the City of God (of Revelation and of St. Augustine’s book). It will have, in its center, the Risen Christ, surrounded by the great cloud of witnesses composed by many saints of the triumphant church.

The church building has been completely refurbished thanks to the generosity of so many people of faith around the world who have contributed to the Mission of a church community located in one of the most impoverished areas of Rio de Janeiro, so it will have a building that is self-sustainable and in the best condition for hosting the various social and ecumenical projects it currently partners with. However, due to the extent of the works that had to be done, most of the contributions have already been used. The roof was replaced and the sanctuary and parish rooms are being redone using materials that are resistant, durable and easy to clean.

For a work of art like this, I would have asked for a commission of US$ 20,000.00, given the costs and the total area to be painted. However, due to the lack of funding, I have decided to reduce the final price as much as possible, focusing mostly on material and infrastructure costs: US$ 10,000.00. Would you be willing to help this project as a partner? It involves art, but it also deals with a road race…

On 12/31/2011, I’ll run the Saint Sylvester Road Race in São Paulo. I’ll be taking with me the names and the requests of all the people who have been helping the work in Cidade de Deus. On this page, you’ll be able to make a PayPal donation, and send a message of support. If you want to make an offering in memory of a loved one, please let me know, so we can discuss how to incorporate some significant detail to the final work’s concept, and add the person’s name to the project’s plaque. The road race will happen on the last day of 2011, but I will be accepting offerings till the day of the Epiphany of our Lord (01/06/2012). Works will start right after it and the final piece will be inaugurated on Easter Sunday: 04/08/2012.