
Bye Buy Childhood success – MU Chair for government review

Reg Bailey, Chief Executive of Mothers’ Union has been asked by the government to chair an Independent Review of the Commercialisation and sexualisation of Childhood.

The review has been commissioned by Sarah Teather MP, the Minister for Children and Families, and is part of a strong commitment made by both David Cameron and Nick Clegg to give a real measure of support to family life.

Rosemary Kempsell, the Worldwide President of Mothers’ Union said “We are delighted that Reg has been asked to chair this independent review as Mothers’ Union is absolutely committed to seeing children as children, not simply as consumers. We have been involved with the welfare of children for many years, but have more recently launched our Bye Buy Childhood campaign in precisely this area because so many parents express their concerns to us.”

According to a report in The Sunday Times, Dec 5, ministers are stating that the group will have a free hand to review:

– unsuitable retail products such as pole dancing kits
– inappropriate messages on children’s clothes
– the playing of sexually explicit music videos at times when young children may be watching.

The review will also consider whether there should be a government sponsored web site where parents can name and shame companies, according to the newspaper report.

The appointment of Reg Bailey follows the launch of the MU’s campaign, “Buy Buy Childhood” .

Sarah Teather, the children’s minister, in an interview with the Sunday Times, urged retailers to be responsible in the run up to Christmas warning that children are being bombarded with sexual images that are forcing them to grow up too fast.

It is suggested that one outcome of the review will be a code of conduct for “age appropriate” marketing with guidance on a range of products.

Reg Bailey stated in an interview that he wanted parents to contact him with examples of inappropriate sexual material being aimed at children, but said the problem went far wider.

“Its not just the examples. Its about the tone and style of the way things are marketed to children. When you are so bombarded by marketing and sexual imagery, it almost  becomes wallpaper”, he said.

The review has the backing of the prime minister who earlier this year said he was shocked at some of the products being sold. This initiative is expected to be one of a raft being launched this week by the government.

This was also covered in The Daily Telegraph of December 6.

MU spokesperson on  ITN news commenting on the Commercialisation of Childhood Campaign:

Inquiry into the Commercialisation and Sexualisation of Children

MU statement

MU campaign website

MU spokesperson on  ITN news commenting on the Commercialisation of Childhood Campaign: