
MU key player in Sudan church recovery

Janette O’Neill, representing the Episcopal Church (USA) in early November was in Sudan. She writes in the Episcopal News service…

I was pleased to be invited to a meeting called by the Episcopal Church of the Sudan (ECS) at its headquarters in Juba. The agenda was daunting — it focused on how we can all work together to help sustain the vision and grow the mission of ECS. All of the participants were committed to supporting Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul and other ECS leaders as they deal with issues related to the referendum of Jan. 9. The referendum could potentially lead to the secession of southern Sudan.

Many of us were there to represent partners from the United Kingdom and the United States. The partners included the American Friends of the Episcopal Church of the Sudan (AFRECS) and the United Kingdom’s Sudan Church Association (SCA), the Diocese of Salisbury and the Episcopal Church. Church agencies and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) attended, including the Mothers’ Union, Episcopal Relief & Development, Christian Aid, Tear Fund and Across. These organisations support the Church of Sudan at a provincial level. ECS was represented by Bishop Alapayo of Rumbek, Bishop Oringo of Torit and Bishop Amidi of Lainya.

Full report at: