
Practical insight on organ refurbishment

Bray parish endeavour

Writing in The Dublin Review, the rector, the Reverend Baden Stanley gives this down to earth, practical, example of organ refurbishment. Mr Stanley writes, “In 2008 we held a parish meeting to discuss and discern the opinion of parishioners on the refurbishing of our Connacher three-manual organ. This organ was installed in 1911, and our hope was that we would be able to have the work completed for this centenary celebration. It was the desire of the meeting that we go ahead with the refurbishment but with a reduced cost. Since then we have been working on clarifying the process and getting ready to do the work.

“Since January 2009 we have raised over €26,000, due to the generosity of a number of people. We have confirmed Trevor Crowe Organ Builders as our contractor and we hope for work to begin in 2011. This will mean that the organ will be out of commission for most of 2012 and the first half of 2013. This is a major initiative at a very challenging time for parishioners. For some of you reading this there will be a very strong reaction to us fundraising literally hundreds of thousands of Euro for this major work when so many are struggling, for others it will be something you have waited for and prayer for several years. The Select Vestry has committed to this project having listened to the opinions expressed in the 2008 meeting. We recognise the pressure individuals and families are under, and yet as stewards of the past we have a duty to complete the restoration of the church fabric.

“As Rector, I am well aware of a divergence of opinion on the merits, attainability and validity of the project. To run a fundraising campaign at such a time might seem inadvisable, yet we believe and trust that those who are committed to this work (and many have expressed this verbally and financially over the years) will help us to bring this project to completion. In recent years we have changed a s a community and many people are involved in a huge variety of activities within the parish. If you are in a position to help us with time, talents for funding for this organ refurbishment we need to know now. The contracts are to be signed in the New Year and from then, the payment plan kicks in. Please do talk to me about any aspect of this matter. We are, above all, a community who work well together to do extraordinary things as we glorify God and serve our history and our future together.”