
RSCM Ireland – Psalm Day update

RSCM Ireland, in association with the National Centre for Liturgy, will host a Psalm Day on Saturday 11 February 2012.

The venue is Renehan Hall, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Co Kildare.

The day will involve papers and discussions on the nature of psalmody, the history of the psalms we sing as well as highlighting the challenges facing musicians in dealing with psalms.
There will also be some practical discussion on the various types of psalm setting which we use and help participants to come to a greater understanding of the wealth and beauty of the texts and the settings which aim to bring them to life. The day will conclude with an ecumenical service of evening prayer.

10.00: Coffee and Registration
10.30-13.00: Session 1: Psalms – History and Context
Fr Michael Mullins: ‘The Psalms: God’s People at Prayer’
Dr Ursula O’Donovan: The role of the psalms in the Reformation Church
Fr Senan Furlong OSB: ‘Psallite Sapienter: Psalmody and Monastic Life’
13.00-14.00: Lunch
14.00-15.30: Session 2: Psalms – Repertoire and Practice
A presentation by Fr Paul Kenny and the Revd Peter Thompson on aspects of psalm singing
16.00: Rehearsal
16.30: An Ecumenical Celebration of Evening Prayer

The cost (including lunch) is €25. Further details are available on the RSCM website at www.rscmireland.com (events section)where you can download the booking form.

Further information from:
Mark Bowyer
RSCM Coordinator for Ireland
Flat 7, 35 Castle Street
Dublin 2
M: +353 87 117 2995
E: mbowyer@rscm.com